Surprised at those beautiful flowers in the middle of the road, I peeped outside my window to see if there are more. To my surprise, I could see as many plants of those flowers planted with buds and flowers blossomed. Thinking twice of should I take a picture with my mobile or not wondering what if the bus starts by the time I could click one, I picked my smartphone from my handbag and clicked at them when the whole bus travellers were sleeping. Well, the plants were planted on a stretch until the next traffic signal.
Are these plants and flowers are lucky or is it likely for the pedestrians to stamp on them while crossing(ummmmm jumping) off the dividers was the thought prevailing on my mind for a while because, I used to see plastic bottles, wrappers, garbage inbetween the plants in the dividers segment with people spitting on them.
Will these flowers prevent these human acts is the arising question, but someone who initiated has the optimistic answer!