Eventhough Amitabh acted who is affected by Progeria disease, the family and friends support shown in this movie was amazing. Twelve year old friends showing love and care to their friend Amitabh is so matured instead of teasing and bullying him as shown in ther movies at this school age.
Abhishek who is a politician in this movie shown as a young, well educated, truthful, with modern thoughts and caring for people. The way he confesses his truth about his personal life to the media and country men is amazing. Vidya is a gyneacologist and a caring single mother of the Progeria affected child. Portrayed as a strong woman who lives for her child and in a mentality not to disturb Abhishek's life and career worth appreciation. Amitabh, a intelligent, practical and a friendly school going student. Enjoys life with school friends, grand mom and mother.
Politician shown as truthful and open minded in this movie gives you an thought of how nice the country will be if all politicians work in the same way for the well being of the country. The character of a single mother of the Progeria affected child brings the spark of how a woman to be strong in her personal life and raising such a child with confidence. Amitabh, a funny, intelligent tall child who enjoys the company of his friends and the way he handles things to unite his mother and father is nice.
Overall, a must watch movie with not much sentiments, weeping and fights. :-)